Monday, June 15, 2015

Hbase and Cassandra - Similarities and Differences

HBase vs Cassandra

Note: Entire content of this blog post is copied from below two sources.
please refer the sources for more details.



CAP Theorem Focus
Consistency, Availability
Availability, Partition-Tolerance
Eventual (Strong is Optional)
Single Write Master
No (R+W+1 to get Strong Consistency)
Optimized For
Main Data Structure
CF, RowKey,  Name Value Pair Set
CF, RowKey, Name Value Pair Set
Dynamic Columns
Column Names as Data
Static Columns
RowKey Slices
Static Column Value Indexes
Sorted Column Names
Cell Versioning Support

Bloom Filters
Yes(only on Key)
Yes(Part of Coprocessor)
Push Down Predicates
Yes(Part of Coprocessor)
Atomic Compare and Set
Explicit Row Locks
Row Key Caching
Partitioning Strategy
Ordered Partitioning
Random Partitioning recommended
Not Needed with Random Partitioning
N-Replicas across Nodes
N-Replicas across Nodes
Data Node Failure
Graceful Degredation
Graceful Degredation
Data Node Failure - Replication
N-Replicas Preserved
(N-1) Replicas Preserved + Hinted Handoff
Data Node Restoration
Same as Node Addition
Requires Node Repair Admin-action
Data Node Addition
Rebalancing Automatic
Rebalancing Requires Token-Assignment Adjustment
Data Node Management
Simple (Roll In, Role Out)
Human Admin Action Required
Cluster Admin Nodes
Zookeeper, NameNode, HMaster
All Nodes are Equal
Now, all the Admin Nodes are Fault Tolerant
All Nodes are Equal
No, but Replicas are Node Agnostic
Yes (Writes Never Fail if this option is used)
Standard, HA, Strong Consistency
Yes (often used), HA,  Weak Consistency
No (not required)
Yes (often used with Read.QUORUM for Strong Consistency
Yes (performance penalty)
Yes (performance penalty, not HA)
Asynchronous WAN Replication
Yes, but it needs testing on corner cases.
Yes (Replica's can span data centers)
Synchronous WAN Replication
Yes with Write.QUORUM or Write.EACH-QUORUM
Compression Support


HBase is based on BigTable (Google)
Cassandra is based on DynamoDB (Amazon).   Initially developed at Facebook by former Amazon engineers.  This is one reason why Cassandra supports multi data center.  Rackspace is a big contributor to Cassandra due to multi data center support.
HBase uses the Hadoop Infrastructure (Zookeeper, NameNode, HDFS).  Organizations that will deploy Hadoop anyway may be comfortable with leveraging Hadoop knowledge by using HBase
Cassandra started and evolved separate from Hadoop and its infrastructure and Operational knowledge requirements are different than Hadoop.  However, for analytics, many Cassandra deployments use Cassandra + Storm (which uses Zookeeper), and/or Cassandra + Hadoop.
Infrastructure Simplicity and SPOF
The HBase-Hadoop Infrastructure has several "moving parts" consisting of Zookeeper,  Name Node,  Hbase Master, and Data Nodes,   Zookeeper is clustered and naturally fault tolerant.  Name Node needs to be clustered to be fault tolerant.
Cassandra uses a a single Node-type.  All nodes are equal and perform all functions.   Any Node can act as a coordinator, ensuring no SPOF.   Adding Storm or Hadoop, of course, adds complexity to the infrastructure.
Read Intensive Use Cases
HBase is optimized for reads, supported by single-write master, and resulting strict consistency model, as well as use of Ordered Partitioning which supports row-scans.  HBase is well suited for doing Range based scans.
Cassandra has excellent single-row read performance as long as eventual consistency semantics are sufficient for the use-case.  Cassandra quorum reads, which are required for strict consistency will naturally be slower than Hbase reads.  Cassandra does not support Range based row-scans which may be limiting in certain use-cases.  Cassandra is well suited for supporting single-row queries,  or selecting multiple rows based on a  Column-Value index.
Multi-Data Center Support and Disaster Recovery
HBase provides for asynchronous replication of an HBase Cluster across a WAN.   HBase clusters cannot be set up to achieve zero RPO, but in steady-state HBase should be roughly failover-equivalent  to any other DBMS that relies on asynchronous replication over a WAN.   Fall-back processes and procedures (e.g. after failover) are TBD.
Cassandra Random Partitioning provides for row-replication of a single row across a WAN, either asynchronous (write.ONE,  write.LOCAL_QUORUM),  or synchronous (write.QUORUM,  write.ALL).  Cassandra clusters can therefore be set up to achieve zero RPO, but each write will require at least one wan-ACK back to the coordinator to achieve this capability.
Write.ONE Durability
Writes are replicated in a pipeline fashion: the first-data-node for the region persists the write, and then sends the write to the next Natural Endpoint, and so-on in a pipeline fashion. HBase’s commit log "acks" a write only after *all* of the nodes in the pipeline have written the data to their OS buffers.  The first Region Server in the pipeline must also have persisted the write to its WAL.
Cassandra's coordinators will send parallel write-requests to all Natural Endpoints, The coordinator will "ack" the write after exactly one Natural Endpoint has "acked" the write, which means that node has also persisted the write to its WAL.   The writes may or may not have committed to any other Natural Endpoint.
Ordered Partitioning
HBase only supports Ordered Partitoning.  This means that Rows for a CF are stored in RowKey order in HFiles, where each Hfile contains a "block" or "shard" of all the rows in a CF.  HFiles are distributed across all data-nodes in the Cluster
Cassandra officially supports Ordered Partitioning, but no production user of Cassandra uses Ordered Partitioning due to the "hot spots" it creates and the operational difficulties such hot-spots cause.  Random Partitioning is the only recommended Cassandra partitioning scheme, and rows are distributed across all nodes in the cluster.

RowKey Range Scans
Because of ordered partitioning,  HBase queries can be formulated with partial start and end row-keys, and can locate rows inclusive-of, or exclusive of these partial-rowkeys.  The start and end row-keys in a range-scan need not even exist in Hbase.
Because of random partitioning,  partial rowkeys cannot be used with Cassandra.  RowKeys must be known exactly.  Counting rows in a CF is complicated.   It is highly recommended that for these types of use-cases,  data should be stored in columns in Cassandra, not in rows.
Linear Scalability for large tables and range scans
Due to Ordered Partitioning, HBase will easily scale horizontally while still supporting rowkey range scans.
If data is stored in columns in Cassandra to support range scans, the practical limitation of a row size in Cassandra is 10's of Megabytes.  Rows larger than that causes problems with compaction overhead and time.
Atomic Compare and Set
HBase supports Atomic Compare and Set. HBase supports supports transaction within a Row.
Cassandra does not support Atomic Compare and Set.   Counters require dedicated counter column-families which because of eventual-consistency requires that all replicas in all natural end-points be read and updated with ACK.  However, hinted-handoff mechanisms can make even these built-in counters suspect for accuracy.   FIFO queues are difficult (if not impossible) to implement with Cassandra.
Read Load Balancing - single Row
Hbase does not support Read Load Balancing against a single row.  A single row is served by exactly one region server at a time.  Other replicas are used ony in case of a node failure.  Scalability is primarily supported by Partitioning which statistically distributes reads of different rows across multiple data nodes.
Cassandra will support Read Load Balancing against a single row.  However,  this is primarily supported by Read.ONE, and eventual consistency must be taken into consideration.  Scalability is primarily supported by Partitioning which distributes reads of different rows across multiple data nodes. 
Bloom Filters
Bloom Filters can be used in HBase as another form of Indexing.  They work on the basis of RowKey or RowKey+ColumnName to reduce the number of data-blocks that HBase has to read to satisfy a query.  (Bloom Filters may exhibit false-positives (reading too much data), but never false negatives (reading not enough data).
Cassandra uses bloom filters for key lookup.
Triggers are supported by the CoProcessor capability in HBase.  They allow HBase to observe the get/put/delete events on a table (CF), and then execute the trigger-logic.    Triggers are coded as java classes.
Cassandra does not support co-processor-like functionality (as far as we know)
Secondary Indexes
Hbase does not natively support secondary indexes, but one use-case of Triggers is that a trigger on a "put" can automatically keep a secondary index up-to-date, and therefore not put the burden on the application (client).
Cassandra supports secondary indexes on column families where the column name is known.  (Not on dynamic columns).
Simple Aggregation
Hbase CoProcessors support out-of-the-box simple aggregations in HBase.   SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG,  STD.   Other aggregations can be built by defining java-classes to perform the aggregation
Aggregations in Cassandra are not supported by the Cassandra nodes - client must provide aggregations.  When the aggregation requirement spans multiple rows, Random Partitioning makes aggregations very difficult for the client.   Recommendation is to use Storm or Hadoop for aggregations.
HIVE Integration
HIVE can access HBase tables directly (uses de-serialization under the hood that is aware of the HBase file format).
Work in Progress (
PIG Integration
PIG has native support for writing into/reading from HBase.
Cassandra 0.7.4+



- both Cassandra and HBase are open source projects managed under the Apache Software Foundation,
- both are available free under an Apache version 2 license
- Cassandra descends from both Bigtable and Amazon's Dynamo
- HBase describes itself as an "open source Bigtable implementation"

- Both Cassandra and HBase are NoSQL databases
- Generally, it means you cannot manipulate the database with SQL.
- However, Cassandra has implemented CQL (Cassandra Query Language), the syntax of which is obviously modeled after SQL.
- Both are designed to manage extremely large data sets (in billions).
- Anything less, and you're advised to stick with an RDBMS

- Both are distributed databases, not only in how data is stored, but also in how the data can be accessed.
- Clients can connect to any node in the cluster and access any data.

- Both claim near linear scalability. Need to manage twice the data? Then double the number of nodes in your cluster

- Both safeguard data loss from cluster node failure via replication
- If the primary node fails, its data can still be fetched from one of the replica nodes.

- Both are referred to as column-oriented databases
- unlike a relational database, no two rows in a column-oriented database need have the same columns.

- you can add columns to a row on the fly
- it's unlikely you'll hit the limit even if you add tens of thousands of columns.

- Both implement similar write paths that begin with logging write operations to a log file to ensure durability (WAL).
- The data is written next to a memory cache, then finally to disk via a large, sequential write (essentially a copy of the memory cache)
- The overall memory-and-disk data structure used by both Cassandra and HBase is more or less a log-structured merge tree.

- The disk component in Cassandra is the SSTable; in HBase it is the HFile.
- Both provide command-line shells implemented in JRuby. Both are written largely in Java


1. Cassandra requires that you identify some nodes as seed nodes, which serve as concentration points for intercluster communication. Meanwhile, on HBase, you must press some nodes into serving as master nodes, whose job it is to monitor and coordinate the actions of region servers.
Thus, Cassandra guarantees high availability by allowing multiple seed nodes in a cluster, while HBase guarantees the same via standby master nodes -- one of which will become the new master should the current master fail.

Cassandra uses the Gossip protocol for internode communications, and Gossip services are integrated with the Cassandra software.
HBase relies on Zookeeper -- an entirely separate distributed application -- to handle corresponding tasks

3. Cassandra lets you create additional, secondary indexes on column values. Hbase do not have secondary index option.

4. While the data manipulation commands of HBase are not as rich as CQL, HBase does have a "filter" capability that executes on the server side of a session and improves scanning (search) throughput.

5.  HBase's reliance on Zookeeper -- a separate application -- introduces an additional point of failure (and the attendant difficulties troubleshooting the source of a problem) that Cassandra avoids.
